Ethical Considerations in Writing LORs: Honesty Matters

By - Admin | August 16, 2024

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A Letter of Recommendation (LOR) plays a critical role in determining the success of an applicant’s journey toward higher education or professional advancement. While the content of an LOR is intended to highlight the achievements and strengths of a candidate, it is important to ensure that it is rooted in honesty and accuracy. Both the recommender and the applicant share ethical responsibilities in this process. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of maintaining integrity while writing LORs and discuss the implications of dishonesty, as universities now take stricter measures to cross-verify recommendations.

The Role of Honesty in a Letter of Recommendation

The foundation of any strong LOR is honesty. When written truthfully, an LOR serves as a genuine endorsement of the applicant’s abilities, character, and accomplishments. This honesty is not only vital for the applicant’s integrity but also for the trustworthiness of the recommender and the institutions involved. Embellishing achievements, exaggerating capabilities, or fabricating anecdotes can harm all parties in the long run.

Example of Honesty vs. Exaggeration:

  • Exaggeration: "Adityais the most exceptional student I have ever taught in my 25 years of teaching."
  • Honest: "Adityaconsistently demonstrated a deep understanding of advanced concepts in biology, ranking in the top 10% of students in my course. His curiosity and research abilities are some of the best I have observed in recent years."

The honest statement provides a more accurate and credible representation of John's performance without unnecessary exaggeration, which might be scrutinized later.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Recommender

Recommenders have a professional and moral obligation to ensure that their endorsements are truthful and based on verifiable facts. Writing an overly glowing letter for an underqualified applicant or falsifying achievements does a disservice to both the student and the program to which they are applying.

Key Responsibilities of Recommenders:

  • Accuracy: "Always base the letter on facts. If a student was part of a research project, state their specific role rather than inflating their contribution."
  • Clarity of Relationship: "Be transparent about how long and in what capacity you have known the applicant. Avoid claiming deeper insight than you actually have."


  • Misleading Statement: "I have mentored Sara throughout her entire academic career."
  • Truthful Statement: "I taught Sara in her final year of undergrad, during which she took two of my courses and worked on an independent research project under my guidance."

The Applicant's Role in Maintaining Integrity

Applicants also bear the responsibility of ensuring that their LORs are truthful. While it’s tempting for students to ask recommenders to inflatetheir achievements or even write the letter themselves, this can have serious ethical and academic repercussions. Transparency is key—applicants should never pressure a recommender to misrepresent their abilities or contributions.

Unethical Practices by Applicants:

  • Asking a recommender to sign an LOR the applicant has written.
  • Providing false information or inflated accomplishments to the recommender.

Honest Approach: Applicants should share their resume, goals, and specific achievements with the recommender to ensure that the letter highlights their strengths accurately. Encouraging honest feedback creates a more authentic and compelling letter.

Cross-Verification by Universities

In an era where fraudulent applications are increasingly being scrutinized, universities have started cross-verifying information presented in LORs. Admissions committees may reach out to recommenders for further details or clarification. Some programs may even verify claims such as research involvement, internships, or project outcomes through third parties or internal databases.

For instance, if an applicant claims to have co-authored a paper, the admissions committee might look up the publication or contact the supervising professor. If a professional recommender highlights certain project milestones, universities might reach out to the company to verify the authenticity of the claims.


If a recommender writes, “Kiran was instrumental in leading our company to secure a $1 million contract,” it is likely that this claim may be checked if the program finds it critical to their evaluation process. Inaccurate claims, when uncovered, will negatively impact the applicant's chances.

Consequences of Dishonesty and Cheating

The repercussions of dishonesty in LORs can be severefor both the applicant and the recommender. Many universities have strict codes of conduct and zero-tolerance policies regarding misrepresentation.

For Applicants:

  • Application Rejection: If caught, the application is likely to be rejected outright.
  • Blacklisting: Some universities may ban dishonest applicants from applying again.
  • Revocation of Admission: Even if dishonesty is discovered after admission, the offer can be rescinded, leading to expulsion from the program.

For Recommenders:

  • Damaged Reputation: Writing misleading or fraudulent letters can severely damage the recommender’s credibility, both within academic and professional circles.
  • Legal Repercussions: In extreme cases, especially in professional settings, false endorsements could result in legal consequences for misrepresentation.

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Honesty is the backbone of any strong and ethical LOR. Both recommenders and applicants must work together to ensure that letters reflect genuine achievements and abilities. As universities increase their focus on cross-verification, maintaining integrity in the application process is more important than ever. A truthful and well-supported LOR not only benefits the applicant but also upholds the trustworthiness of the entire academic system.

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