How to Write a Compelling LOR: Tips for Faculty

By - Admin | August 04, 2024

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Writing a Letter of Recommendation (LOR) is a responsibility that can significantly impact a student's future. A compelling LOR goes beyond basic praise, providing a nuanced, evidence-based endorsement of the student's abilities and potential. In this blog, we'll explore tips for faculty on how to write an impactful LOR, complete with examples of how to transform generic statements into powerful testimonials.


  • Generic: "Adityais a good student who is always eager to learn."
  • Improved: "Adityahas demonstrated a keen interest in environmental science, often staying after class to discuss the latest research in sustainable energy. His passion for this field is evident in his independent project on renewable energy solutions, which earned top marks for its originality and depth."

Be Specific with Achievements

A common pitfall in LORs is vague praise. Admissions committees are more impressed by specific examples of a student's accomplishments. Instead of saying a student did well, show how they excelled and what impact their work had.


  • Generic: "Kavita performed well in her research project."
  • Improved: "Kavita’s research project on gene expression was exceptional. She identified a novel pathway that could lead to new treatments for genetic disorders, a finding so significant that it was presented at our university's annual research symposium."

Use Anecdotes to Illustrate Character

Anecdotes can bring a LOR to life by showing rather than telling. They provide context and make the student's qualities more memorable. When writing about a student’s character, use specific incidents that reveal their qualities.


  • Generic: "Rafiais a hard working and dedicated student."
  • Improved: "Rafia’sdedication was evident when she voluntarily tutored her peers in organic chemistry. Even during exam periods, she made time to help others understand complex concepts, often creating detailed notes and study guides that were widely circulated among her classmates."

Avoid Overused Phrases

Phrases like "one of the best students I've taught" or "stands out among peers" are often overused and can lose their impact. Instead, use language that is more specific and tailored to the individual student.


  • Generic: "Michael is one of the best students I've taught."
  • Improved: "Michael’s analytical abilities are unmatched. In my 15 years of teaching, he is the only student who has consistently gone beyond the curriculum to explore the mathematical underpinnings of physical chemistry, oftenpresenting complex theories in a manner that is both accessible and insightful."

Tailor the LOR to the Program

Just as students tailor their applications to specific programs, LORs should be tailored to highlight the qualities and experiences most relevant to the program. If a student is applying to a research-focused master's program, emphasize their research skills and experiences.


  • Generic: "Aartiis a great student with a bright future."
  • Improved: "Aarti’saptitude for research makes her an ideal candidate for the MSc in Data Science. Her work on predictive modeling during her internship at XYZ Company resulted in a 15% increase in forecast accuracy, a remarkable achievement that underscores her readiness for advanced study in this field."

Start creating your personalized Letter of Recommendation now

Create Your LOR Today


A compelling LOR can be a decisive factor in a student's application. By being specific, using anecdotes, avoiding clichés, and tailoring your letter to the student’s goals and the program they’re applying to, you can provide a powerful endorsement that helps them stand out in a competitive field.

Example Conclusion:

  • "In summary, I strongly recommend [Student Name] for your program. Their unique blend of academic excellence, practical skills, and dedication to [specific field] makes them a perfect fit for the challenges and opportunities your program offers."

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